Friday, March 26, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Florence - Firenze

Whoever writes on the walls, who acts of instinct.

Our favorite caffe just a hole in the wall place really.
And the prices are decent, the service isn't pushy.


Morning in the hostel

This was the market which was right below the window of our hostel (hostel veronique via porta rossa 6) on the 5th floor. We watched them set up their stands like a plant unfolding in the morning sun.

Pointe Vecchio Bridge

I find orange peels everywhere. Orange peel melodies.

A street leading up to the Duomo.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We found a small stand seelling carmel apples, chocolate
covered fruit and nuts. I tried the white chocolate covered pear, so good.

They were also selling loose-leaf teas.

People dressed up in costumes some were elegant others were....

Finding relief from the crowds in small allies that led to the canals.